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Adjunct Instructor Tech Requirements

Last Updated: January 11, 2019

While teaching at or for Martin Luther College, you will be required to own and maintain a device meeting the following minimum requirements (which are based off of the current devices being used by faculty members on campus). You can choose to use whichever device you like and a best-effort attempt will be made by Network Services to help you.

If you have specific questions, please contact Network Services.

Classroom Presentation Requirements

Most classrooms on campus are equipped with a USB 3.0 docking station for use by faculty, staff, students, and the public for presenting using a device. For more specific information on classroom technology, you can visit the Classroom Technology area of this knowledge base.

Your device will need one of the following ports to use the docking stations:


Currently the faculty are using Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (released in 2015) tablets on campus. Older and lower-specced machines may work, but it is recommended to have a newer and faster machine if possible. If you have an Apple computer, please read their support site for more information on Mojave-compatible Macs.

Chromebooks & Tablets & Other Devices

While it is recommended to have a machine meeting the above requirements, some other devices may work for your teaching. However, the above devices have been tested to be compatible with our presentation systems and work well with Moodle (our online learning environment). If you have specific questions about a device, please reach out to Network Services.