Table of Contents

Working with Documents

Working with WordPress and document files (think PDFs, Word documents, etc.) can be little disconcerting. You will find some simple instructions on this page to keep in mind when you want to load files for users to download.

What Format

Basically, it comes down to this:

Those are simplistic terms, but you get the idea. Start by deciding if it could be a webpage, then if it should, and if it falls through … then choose your document format.

Where Does It Live?

In Plone it was easy to link directly to a document and just replace it in the future, preserving the URL so that anyone can have access to the latest document in the future just by virtue of changing the underlying file. However, WordPress does not have an easy or preferred way to do this, so a person needs to think about where the document needs to live and how it will be presented.

Documents should be linked to from a page that contains information about the document (context around why it is important, what a person can do with it, etc.), and then anytime someone needs to link to a specific document, they should be linking to that page with the context.


You want to link to the Single Major Early Childhood Education program plan. It might be tempting to link to the PDF directly, but the next time that program plan changes and a new one is uploaded, that link will be bad and your user will get a 404 error message.

The better option is to use some verbiage similar to “You can find the single major Early Childhood Education program plan on the Program Plans page” and link the words “Program Plans page” directly to the Program Plans page. That way when a new program plan is uploaded, that link will still be accurate.

Uploading Documents

There are two options for uploading media (the end result is the same):

In each case, the object is to upload the file(s) you want to use and then link them within a page or post.

Upload Using Media Library

Now your files are uploaded into the Media Library of your WordPress subsite.

Upload Using Editing Interface

Now your files are uploaded into the Media Library of your WordPress subsite.

Inserting Documents

Now that the files are uploaded, here are the basic steps to inserting links to documents within a page or post.

That's it! Now when you publish your page/post, you will find that there is link and that clicking it will open/download your document.

Potential Problems