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Submitting Items to Archives

Archives Inbox

MLC Archives maintains a digital inbox where digital files can be submitted so that they are able to be moved and properly maintained for future use. Here are the instructions on how to use it.

If you use the OES Client, you can submit items after logging into the OES Network on campus so that drives are mapped to your machine.

  • Log into the OES Client on your machine
  • Navigate to the Archives Inbox, usually the S: drive (OES Client users), or the Archives Inbox Net Folder (Filr users)
  • If you do not see the S: drive (OES Client users) or the Archives Inbox Net Folder (Filr users), please contact Network Services
  • Copy and paste anything that you are submitting into a folder labeled with your name and the current date. Then copy and paste that new folder into the Archives Inbox
  • That's it, there is nothing else for you to do

Please be sure that you are submitting copies into the Archives Inbox of any items you may need in the future. You will not be able to retrieved items from the Archives Inbox.

Having all of your archival items submitted into the Archives Inbox will allow the staff to look at the files and archive them permanently in the future.

archives/submitting.1497031909.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:36 (external edit)