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itutoring [2015/09/11 20:06]
Martens, Robert L [When You Are Done]
itutoring [2018/07/30 17:39]
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-====== iTutoring ====== 
-This page houses troubleshooting information for students and proctors for the iTutoring work being done on campus. 
-===== Getting Started ===== 
-These are the most basic steps to getting started: 
-  - Find an open computer with an attached webcam. 
-  - The computer should be logged into the ''​iTutoring''​ Novell account. 
-  - Sign in at [[http://​|Google Plus]] with your MLC iTutoring Google username and password. 
-  - Wait for the call to come in from the student. 
-===== When You Are Done ===== 
-When finished, do the following: 
-  - End the call. 
-  - Sign out of your MLC iTutoring Google Account. 
-  - Head to [[http://​|Google Plus]] so that the next group can get started easily. 
-    * You should be at the login page and not logged into your account. 
-    * If you are logged into your account, go to Step 1 from this section. 
-===== Troubleshooting ===== 
-  * Make certain you are logged in only with your MLC Google Account. 
-  * Check that the video, ​ microphone, and headphones are all working as soon as possible. This usually can take place as soon as the call has initiated from both ends. 
-    * Check the microphone by looking for the "green dots" over your video in Google Hangouts. 
-      * If you have issues, unplug and plug the microphone back in on the front of the computer. 
-      * Make sure that ''​2- High Definition Audio Device''​ is chosen for the microphone within Hangouts. 
-    * Check your headphones by listening for any sounds coming from the computer. 
-      * If you have issues, unplug and plug the headphones back in on the front of the computer. 
-    * Check your video by looking for your video to show up within Google Hangouts. 
-      * You might need to disconnect and initiate the call again. 
-  * If you are having issues connecting to Hangouts, then open another browser and make sure that you have access to other parts of the internet. 
-  * You might need to initiate the call on your end (instead of the student calling you) if problems persist. 
-  * Sometimes stuff just doesn'​t work. Google is constantly making changes to Hangouts and other parts of their infrastructure so there might just be issues that can't be eliminated from time to time. 
-===== Setting Up WCC 221 ===== 
-  - Turn on the computers with attached webcams 
-  - Log into the computers using the ''​itutoring''​ Novell account 
-  - Open Google Chrome (should be found near the bottom of the screen) 
-  - Go to [[http://​|Google Plus]] and leave it at the log in page 
-The computer is now ready for the incoming student to use. It is usually most efficient to go around the room and perform each step on each computer before moving to the next. If you need help with the password for the ''​itutoring''​ Novell account, please [[http://​​support|contact Network Services]]. 
itutoring.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:39 (external edit)