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mits [2015/05/13 13:18]
Martens, Robert L [I Had Another Thought ...]
mits [2018/07/30 17:39]
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-====== MLC Internal Technology Summit ====== 
-===== Introduction ===== 
-Born out of the MLC campus family'​s work when evaluating the future of our student information system in Winter 2013-14, the Technology Advisory Committee recommended that the conversation not stop with just that flurry of activity, but that the collaboration and communication become a more regular part of working at Martin Luther College. 
-The MLC Internal Technology Summit (MITS) is an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students at Martin Luther College to get together to brainstorm and discuss possible future technology projects. The hope is to gather the ideas of the campus together and then use that information to help with prioritization and strategic planning for the coming year. 
-===== Who Is Invited ===== 
-All members of the faculty, staff, and even the student body are invited to come and participate in any of the sessions. The hope is to share a wealth of ideas about future technology projects for the campus. 
-===== How It Will Work ===== 
-Spend some time thinking about and talking with other people about what would help you accomplish your work here at Martin Luther College. Collaborate with other individuals about what is missing or what enhancement are needed with anything technology related on campus. No idea will be too crazy to not be heard and recorded for future consideration. 
-**Come in, sit down, and talk about what the future can/will look like for you and your colleagues!** 
-Members of Network Services, the Technology Advisory Committee, and the Administrative Council will be at each session to be able to ask any questions they might have to make sure that there is an accurate picture of what is bring discussed. This will also help as those three groups work to prioritize and plan for the future. 
-===== MITS 2015 Schedule ===== 
-Feel free to show up for any session during the day. The discussion topic will change as close to the times on this schedule as possible (but we will be flexible). 
-**The summit will take place on May 26, 2015.** 
-^ Session Topics ^ Time ^ Location ^ 
-| Admissions/​Enrollment/​Financial Aid | 9:00 - 9:30 am | WCC 264 | 
-| Registration/​Advising | 9:30 - 10:00 am | WCC 264 | 
-| **Break 1** | 10:00 - 10:15 am | | 
-| Business/​Finance | 10:15 - 10:45 am | WCC 264 | 
-| Assessment/​Clinical Experiences/​Licensure | 10:45 - 11:15 am | WCC 264 | 
-| **Lunch Break** | 11:15 am - 12:45 pm | | 
-| Student Life | 12:45 - 1:15 pm | WCC 264 | 
-| Mission Advancement | 1:15 - 1:45 pm | WCC 264 | 
-| **Break** | 1:45 - 2:00 pm | | 
-| Environmental Services/​Human Resources | 2:00 - 2:30 pm | WCC 264 | 
-| "​Everyone Else" | 2:30 - 3:00 pm | WCC 264 | 
-===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== 
-==== What if I have another idea? ==== 
-**That'​s great! This isn't the end of the discussion!** 
-You can always seek out members of Network Services and the Technology Advisory Committee in order to discuss your ideas. We want to know what people want/need on campus, and the only way to do that is to let those two groups know what is coming up so that the ideas can be considered and prioritized. 
-Just keep talking! 
-==== Help Me Find the TAC ==== 
-The Technology Advisory Committee is currently made up of the following members: 
-  * Prof. David Bauer - Chair 
-  * Mr. James Rathje - Directory of Technology 
-  * Vice President Steve Thiesfeldt - Administration 
-  * Prof. James Grunwald 
-  * Prof. James Carlovsky 
-  * Prof. James Danell 
-  * Mrs. Deb Plath 
-  * Prof. Bill Pekrul 
-  * Mr. Benjamin Matzke 
-  * Mr. Bob Martens 
mits.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:39 (external edit)