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nti:admin-training:question-2 [2021/07/06 20:11]
Schaefer, Jonathan M
nti:admin-training:question-2 [2024/12/13 19:21] (current)
Schaefer, Jonathan M
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 The following is a list of major players in WELS New Teacher Induction - mentoring program and their titles: The following is a list of major players in WELS New Teacher Induction - mentoring program and their titles:
-  * **WELS NTI Coordinator**:​ Jon Schaefer [[]] (507) 766-9674 
   * **WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools Director**: Jim Rademan [[]] (262) 224-1961   * **WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools Director**: Jim Rademan [[]] (262) 224-1961
 +  * **WELS NTI Coordinator**:​ Jon Schaefer [[]] (507) 766-9674
   * **NTI Administrative Assistant**:​ Lisa Fenske [[]] (507) 354-8221   * **NTI Administrative Assistant**:​ Lisa Fenske [[]] (507) 354-8221
-  * **NTI Data & Online Tools**: ​Michelle Yotter ​[[]] +  * **NTI Data & Online ​Sibme Tools**: ​Terry Graf [[]] ​(507) 354-8821 ext.352 
-  * **Building Administrator**:​ Usually the principal or director of the building where the new teacher works. ​In some cases, it may be the pastor or an interim principal/​director. +  * **Building Administrator**:​ Usually the principal or director of the building where the new teacher works. ​Sometimes, it may be the pastor or an interim principal/​director. 
-  * **District Lead Mentors**:​ These persons have years of mentoring experience and complete a mentor & coaching credential. They will work directly with the mentors to provide support for mentoring practice and skills+  * **District Lead Mentors**:​ These persons have years of mentoring experience and complete a mentor & coaching credential. They will work directly with the mentors ​and district leaders ​to facilitate induction within the district
-  * **Mentor Teacher**:​ This person must apply/be accepted as a WELS mentor, complete NTI approved training, and will work directly with the new teacher to provide support and to help improve instructional skills as a Lutheran educator. +  * **Mentor Teacher**:​ This person must apply/be accepted as a WELS mentor, complete NTI-approved training, and will work directly with the new teacher to provide support and to help improve instructional skills as a Lutheran educator. 
-  * **New Teacher**:​ As you are no doubt already aware, WELS teachers who are in their first two years of teaching are mentored through this program.+  * **New Teacher**:​ As you are undoubtedly ​already aware, WELS teachers who are in their first two years of teaching are mentored through this program.
 [[https://​​document/​d/​1XPEBaIViGeJodH6tJ4eldloQ2L-E1qr-9KrBomGArSA/​edit?​usp=sharing|You can also read an overview of everyone'​s responsibilities [PDF]]]. [[https://​​document/​d/​1XPEBaIViGeJodH6tJ4eldloQ2L-E1qr-9KrBomGArSA/​edit?​usp=sharing|You can also read an overview of everyone'​s responsibilities [PDF]]].
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 General Timeline for NTI Teacher Growth Reflection Tool General Timeline for NTI Teacher Growth Reflection Tool
-  * //October - Administrators of 1-year assignments finalize Fall Teacher ​Reflection ​Growth Tool//+  * //October - Administrators of 1-year assignments finalize Fall Teacher Growth ​Reflection ​Tool//
   * //November - Administrators of permanently and multi-year assigned beginning teachers finalize Fall Teacher Growth Reflection Tool//   * //November - Administrators of permanently and multi-year assigned beginning teachers finalize Fall Teacher Growth Reflection Tool//
   * //​January/​February - Administrators of 1-year assignments finalize Spring Teacher Growth Reflection Tool//   * //​January/​February - Administrators of 1-year assignments finalize Spring Teacher Growth Reflection Tool//
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 If you have further questions about the firewall, please contact Professor Schaefer, [[]]. If the video does not work for you, please contact the NTI office at (507) 354-8221 or [[]]. If you have further questions about the firewall, please contact Professor Schaefer, [[]]. If the video does not work for you, please contact the NTI office at (507) 354-8221 or [[]].
 +===== The Cost of Induction =====
 +Attrition costs! Most U.S. corporations expect 6% of their employees to quit yearly; many tech companies see 30% losses (Strack, 2014). This turnover is expensive because replacing workers generally costs 25% of the person’s salary (Ingersoll, 2003; Jones & Jones, 2013; Norton, 1999). A 6% loss of 1,000 workers in a major corporation,​ making $30,000 per year, would collectively cost $450,000. WELS schools experienced 37% teacher attrition out of the 596 teachers who entered teaching over the past five years. Over half of that attrition was from teachers leaving by their fifth year for other occupations or personal reasons. What does that cost?
 +Attrition can lead to high educational costs for schools. Higher teacher turnover negatively affects student achievement. García and Weiss (2019) observed a cycle in schools where teacher attrition was higher, as the schools typically received a disproportionate number of inexperienced teachers, these newer teachers typically left at a much higher rate than other teachers. Sutcher et al. (2016) also found that many of these teachers were underprepared in times of shortages, putting them at greater risk of leaving than fully prepared teachers. This cycle undermined student achievement due to the teachers’ inexperience,​ lack of preparation,​ and instability. ​
 +A lack of qualified teachers and faculty instability threatens students’ ability to learn. Stewardship and the encouragement of qualified teachers in their first years of teaching are part of effective teacher induction programs. Over thirty states in the United States (U.S.) have provided induction for their teachers during their initial years of teaching (Bullough, 2012). These induction programs'​ primary purposes included increased retention, accelerated teacher development,​ networking, and aligned school systems’ objectives and teacher needs (Sutcher, 2019). Quality induction often included a mentor teacher, common teacher planning time with other teachers, and regularly scheduled teacher collaboration (Ingersoll & Strong, 2011). Exceptional programs include additional programmings like professional development for mentors and new teachers, mentor and teacher observations,​ and program orientation (Knight, 2017). Personal processes like induction focused on working relationships and associated teaching conditions.
 +Schools and centers are responsible for the cost of NTI. WELS New Teacher Induction'​s two-year program = 
 +Year 1 is $1000 per new teacher + 
 +Year 2 is $1000 per new teacher
 +* [[nti:​admin-training:​question-3|Question 3: Why is mentoring important?​]]
nti/admin-training/question-2.1625602263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/06 20:11 by Schaefer, Jonathan M