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nti:admin-training:question-3 [2018/07/30 17:39] external edit
nti:admin-training:question-3 [2024/05/28 18:41] (current)
Schaefer, Jonathan M
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 //Novice teachers are hesitant to request assistance//​ //Novice teachers are hesitant to request assistance//​
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 //​Experienced teachers are reluctant to interfere and/or offer assistance//​ //​Experienced teachers are reluctant to interfere and/or offer assistance//​
 . .
-As you can see from the above illustration, ​there are two things ​that get in the way of new teachers getting the information and support that they need. The first is that **they are hesitant to ask for what they need**; they don’t ​want to appear ​to be “stupid” or ill-prepared and they don’t want to “bother” the more experienced teachers. On the other side of the barrier is the experienced teacher,​ **who doesn’t want to look like a know-it-all or to appear ​to be “nosey” and interfering** with the new teacher’s work. Acknowledging these natural hesitations and creating ​an “official” mentoring relationship (especially when the mentor ​is being thanked for their service) blesses ​both parties to break down the barrier and talk about what needs to be discussed.+As you can see from the above illustration,​ two things ​often get in the way of new teachers getting the information and support that they need. The first is that **they are hesitant to ask for what they need**; they want to appear ​competent and preparedand they don’t want to “bother” the more experienced teachers ​or their administrator. On the other side of the barrier is the experienced teacher,​ **who doesn’t want to look like a know-it-all or appear “nosey” and interfere** with the new teacher’s work. Acknowledging these natural hesitations and creating ​trusting relationships between ​the key members of our induction program (teacher, ​mentor, administrator) blesses ​all parties to break down the barrier and talk about what needs to be discussed ​in a Christian way.
 In the end, we really have to ask ourselves **why in the world we would invest in and assign/call new teachers and then not provide them with support**. It is unreasonable to expect brand new teachers to step right in with all the skills and understanding of both teaching and of the culture of our particular schools and communities that they need in order to be successful in helping our kids learn. We must all work together to develop the kinds of teachers we want our kids to have! In the end, we really have to ask ourselves **why in the world we would invest in and assign/call new teachers and then not provide them with support**. It is unreasonable to expect brand new teachers to step right in with all the skills and understanding of both teaching and of the culture of our particular schools and communities that they need in order to be successful in helping our kids learn. We must all work together to develop the kinds of teachers we want our kids to have!
 +* [[nti:​admin-training:​question-4|Question 4: How do I recommend the best mentor for new teachers?]]
nti/admin-training/question-3.1532972344.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:39 by