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scheduling:new [2016/06/15 14:16]
Martens, Robert L
scheduling:new [2024/03/26 17:38]
Martens, Robert L
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 +**FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT https://​​books/​scheduling
 ====== New Students ====== ====== New Students ======
-Welcome to Martin Luther College! The information found on these pages will help you get registered for the proper courses as you begin your study on top of the hill! 
-===== Scheduling Video ===== 
-You can [[https://​​a/​​file/​d/​0B8fuOJZ9DN7kbVk3RG5lVVhhZTA/​view|watch the 2016-17 Scheduling Video]] for a visual guide for how to use the MLC Portal Schedule Planner. 
-//**Note:** The first 41 seconds of the video refers to sophomores and above. New students do **NOT** need advisor approval to register as mentioned in the video. 
-===== Important Dates ===== 
-  * **June 27** | You should receive, via mail, your [[network-services:​accounts|MLC Account username and password]] with instructions for how to log into [[http://​|Portal]] and register for your courses online. 
-  * **June 27 - July 10** | Begin planning your schedule in the MLC Portal Schedule Planner. 
-  * **June 27 - July 8; July 5 - July 8** | MLC Scheduling Help Desk available for questions from 8 am - 4 pm CDT. 
-  * **July 11 - July 15** | Online course registration is open. Please note the day and time for scheduling. The MLC Scheduling Help Desk is available from 8 am - 8 pm CDT. 
-  * **July 18** | Make up day. 
-===== MLC Scheduling Help Desk ===== 
-You can contact the MLC Scheduling Help Desk by calling **(507) 354-8224 x279**. 
-===== Scheduling Resources ===== 
-The following are all online resources. These documents will be helpful in planning your courses. Use the page you are on right now as a "​registration central"​ for your process. This site contains important instructions and links to help you with this process. 
-==== Program Plans ==== 
-  * If you are a Pre-seminary student, your individualized program plan is included in your registration letter. 
-  * All Education majors can [[https://​​academics/​program-plans/​|consult your specific program plans]]. Make sure to note the difference among the various programs - single secondary, elementary education only, early childhood, etc. Review the notes at the top of each program plan to understand how to read the plan. 
-  * If your program plan has changed from the academic program listed in your registration letter and you are scheduling classes in this new choice, you need to notify the MLC Records Office — Mrs. Gwen Kral at 507-354-8221 ext. 222 or via email at [[]]. 
-==== Other Resources ==== 
-  * Before planning make sure to view the registration instructional video at the top of this page. 
-  * Consult [[https://​​academics/​wp-content/​uploads/​sites/​19/​2015/​12/​SchedulingHelpsbyAcademicProgram2015.pdf|Program Helps]] for specific information regarding your major. Secondary majors should be aware of these nuances to stay on schedule with their program. Also download and read for helps regarding specific courses. Courses like physical education, mathematics,​ foreign language, vocal music, and piano/organ have specific requirements for certain classes. 
-  * The [[https://​​undergraduate-catalog/​|MLC Catalog]] may explain any questions you may have. 
-===== Planning Your Schedule ===== 
-Log on to [[http://​|MLC Portal]] using your [[network-services:​accounts|MLC Account username and password]] sent to you in the mailing. 
-Select the //​Scheduling//​ tab and then choose: 
-  - ''​Schedule Planner''​ 
-  - Select ''​Preference''​ for personal preference choices (you do not need to do this, but it may be helpful with first planning). 
-  - Select ''​Modify Courses''​ to select courses and the semester you desire. Courses are in the middle and are organized by course number. To select semesters, click on the Add button pointing to the appropriate semester. To switch semesters you must delete one and add the other back in. 
-  - Select ''​Plan Schedule''​ to develop a proposed schedule, being careful to note different semesters. You must develop a plan for both first and second semester if you are attending the full year. 
scheduling/new.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/26 17:38 by Martens, Robert L