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Program Helps

Always refer to your program plan when selecting courses!

General Program Helps

All first year students take these courses:

  • ENG1303, Rhetoric and Composition – take opposite semester of Literature Seminar
  • ENG1304 or ENG1305, or ENG1306, Literature Seminar – take opposite semester of ENG1303 (ENG1306 is only offered semester one: you will need to schedule ENG1303 second semester)
  • SCI1003 and SCI1004, Biology Lecture and Lab ­ must be taken in the same semester (not taken by Elementary Ed/Spanish double majors)
  • THE1001 and THE1002, Biblical History and Literature I and II – take opposite semesters in any order
  • Students may not take more than 18 credit hours per semester
  • Beyond 18 credit hours students may audit courses up to 21 total credit/audit hours
  • Students can audit choir, wind symphony, etc., after they have reached 18 credits

APP - Advanced Placement Program

If you have taken AP courses and had your scores sent to MLC, the courses you received credit for will be listed on your unofficial transcript on the MLC Portal by approximately July 8. The unofficial transcript is located on the MLC Portal. (After logging in, click “Grades” and select “Unofficial Transcript”). The AP courses along with the scores required are listed in the MLC Undergraduate Catalog, pages 19-20.

If the AP courses you received credit for are freshmen courses, you can choose to take other courses in their place. Suggested courses to take are HIS2113 Modern West, PED1301 Fitness for Life, Phy Ed activity courses, SSC3210 World Regional Geography, Keyboard (Education majors only), or courses in your major.

Fine Arts Elective

If your program plan calls for a Fine Arts Elective in the first year, MUS2201 Introduction to Fine Arts is available for you to schedule. If you wish to select a different course from the Fine Arts Electives on page 35 of the MLC Undergraduate Catalog and postpone taking the Fine Arts Elective until a later time, you can choose to take a different course such as HIS2113 Modern West, PED1301 Fitness for Life, Phy Ed activity courses, SSC3210 World Regional Geography, Keyboard (Education majors only), or courses in your major.


If your program plan requires you to choose a math course, you are encouraged to choose a course based on your ACT score. Some program plans call for a “General Education Math Elective.” In this case, any of these courses can be selected. Other program plans ask you to select either MTH1010 or MTH1011. This is where your ACT math subscore should be referenced. The semester these courses are offered are listed below:

  • MTH1010 Intro to Contemporary Math – take either semester (recommended ACT math subscore up to 24)
  • MTH1011 Math, A Human Endeavor – take either semester (recommended ACT math subscore 25 or higher)
  • MTH2010 Calculus I – take first semester only (ACT math subscore 25 or higher who also had a high school course in pre­calculus or trigonometry)
  • MTH2020 Elementary Statistics – take second semester only (ACT math subscore 25 or higher)
  • MTH2022 Discrete Math – take first semester only (ACT math subscore 25 or higher)

Note: If your math ACT score was 17 or below, you are required to take MTH0002 Developmental Math, first semester and MTH1010 Intro to Contemporary Math, second semester. MTH0002 does not count toward a major, but prepares students for MTH1010. These courses will already appear in your schedule planner.


Based on the information you returned to us on your Music Course Placement and Selection Inventory Form, your Keyboard and Vocal/Choral choices have been entered in your schedule planner. If you have not returned your Music Form, return it to us as soon as possible.

Phy Ed Activity Courses

If you have participated on a high school varsity basketball or soccer team, do not take these activity courses. PED1120 or PED1131 are to be taken by students with beginning or intermediate skill level only.

Specific Program Helps

Physical Education Majors

The Physical Education Teacher Education major courses or pre-requisites should begin in the first year. It is difficult to become a double major that includes PE, if you don’t start it as a first-year student.

  • All PE Teacher Ed majors should schedule SCI1003 and SCI1004 Biology and Lab in the first year.
  • All PE Teacher Ed majors should schedule PED3004 Care and Prevention (Sem I) and PED2010 Foundations of Physical Education (Sem II) in the first academic year.
  • Even though the program plan doesn’t show it, try to schedule 17-18 credits to help free up credits later on. Putting keyboarding (piano/organ) into the first year is one simple option.

Social Studies and Elementary Education Double Majors

It is best to take both HIS2112 The Rise of the West and HIS2113 The Modern West your first year. This allows you to take upper level courses beginning in your second year.


Spanish is a specialized course of study at MLC. To enter the Spanish program, you need to have taken the placement test offered by MLC. You should not register for Spanish courses on your own. If you have tested into the Spanish program, MLC will add the proper course to your schedule planner. Depending on where you were placed, your first Spanish course may not begin until your second semester. Please do not schedule Spanish courses on your own.

scheduling/program-helps.1466168918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:37 (external edit)