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web-style-guide [2017/11/27 21:00]
Martens, Robert L
web-style-guide [2018/07/30 17:39]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Website Style Guide ====== 
-The following documents comprise the MLC Web Style Guide for writers. Basically, MLC uses the Northwestern Publishing House Style Guide and Dictionary with additions specific to MLC. 
-The recommended way to use these guides is this way: 
-  - look to the MLC House Style Guide 
-  - look to the Northwestern Publishing House Dictionary for quick-look items 
-  - look to the Northwestern Publishing House Style Guide for additional items 
-  - use your judgement/​look at other parts of the website/ask the MLC editor 
-===== MLC Specific Files ===== 
-  * {{::​mlc_house_style_guide_20171127.pdf|MLC House Style Guide}} (updated 2017-11-17) 
-===== Northwestern Publishing House Style Guide ===== 
-  * {{::​nph_style_guide_2014.pdf|NPH Style Guide}} (2014) 
-  * {{::​nph_dictionary_2014.pdf|NPH Dictionary}} (2014) 
web-style-guide.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:39 (external edit)