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Using Your Personal Laptop

Most classrooms are setup specifically to allow faculty members at Martin Luther College to quickly and easily get ready for their class. This currently includes a docking station specific to the model of laptop currently in-use. However, classrooms can be setup to allow personal laptops to be used for presentations.

If you need that capability, please contact Network Services with your support request.

The following instructions commonly work when the room is setup for personal laptops.

Video Through Projector

  1. Connect the normally-blue VGA cable to your laptop
  2. Turn on the projector using the white Epson remote
  3. Turn on the Epson document camera using the switch in the upper-right corner
  4. Select RGB2 on the Epson document camera to switch video to display from your laptop
  5. Use the projector remote's Source Search to select the proper source on the projector if it is not working

Audio Through Speakers

  1. Remove the audio cable from the back of the docking station
  2. Connect the audio cable to your laptop
  3. Control the volume using the PC knob on the wooden sound box
  4. Please plug the audio cable back into the docking station when you are done (making sure to plug it into the audio-in port)

If you run into issues, please stop in Network Services to ask for assistance.

classroom-tech/personal-laptop.1433529529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:36 (external edit)