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Question 1

  • What are the requirements to complete this training?

This is a one-time training you work through as you prepare to participate in WELS New Teacher Induction (NTI).

After working your way through this knowledge base (wiki), be able to answer the following questions:

  1. How closely do you work with the mentor for the new teacher in your building? Describe what communication looks like?
  2. Does your building presently have a culture that is supportive of new teachers? What are the characteristics that make it so?
  3. What are your personal plans for how you will support the new teacher in your building? How does this align with supportive induction?

Please complete the activities according to your schedule, and reflectively answer these questions, ideally before the start of the new school year.

nti/admin-training/question-1.1625601463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/06 19:57 by Schaefer, Jonathan M