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Question 4

  • How do I recommend the best mentor for new teachers?

We understand that selection of mentors has already taken place for most of you, but this information is still very important for your work in the program.

One of the most important decisions you will make is who to choose to serve as the mentor for your new teacher. Please read this article by James Rowley from Educational Leadership about what makes a good mentor. I think you'll find this article to be very insightful.

A really important understanding for you to have is that the best classroom teachers sometimes DO NOT make the best mentors. Please Review the NTI Guidelines for the Recommendation of Mentors.

Share this document with a potential mentor to help them decide if they would like to serve as a mentor.

nti/admin-training/question-4.1466051632.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:36 (external edit)