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NTI Administrator Training

We want to develop teachers who continuously pursue excellence and reflect on their practice, who are committed and passionate Lutheran teachers for their students.” –Prof. Jon Schaefer

The statement above expresses the goals of the WELS Teaching Standards and WELS New Teacher Induction program. Administrators are an important part of that work and we want to make sure that you feel well prepared to fulfill your role. All administrators who have first-year teachers being mentored through New Teacher Induction must complete the activities in the following pages.

  • Question 2: What do I need to know about WELS New Teacher Induction (NTI) and what are my responsibilities?
  • Question 3: Why is mentoring important?
  • Question 4: How do I recommend the best mentor for new teachers?
  • Question 5: What can and should I do to support new teachers in my building?
nti/admin-training.1466014144.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/30 17:36 (external edit)